The Research Gem Elixir Kit contains all 28 of our Research Gem Elixirs. These elixirs blend the grounding and stabilizing qualities of the mineral kingdom with the strength and purity of the Alaskan environment.
The 28 stock bottles in this kit are arranged alphabetically in one 24 count box and one 6 count box.
You will receive a free Product Catalog (one per order). This 5" by 8.5" booklet has 66 pages with all descriptions of our Flower, Gem and Enviromental essences. Including the Combination Formulas, Sprays and Hydrosols. You can also access this catalog .
Essences in this kit: Amazonite - Amber - Apophyllite - Aragonite - Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz - Blue/Green Tourmaline - Blue Topaz - Celestite - Cinnabar - Diopside - Fire Opal - Green Garnet - Green Tourmaline - GreenTourmaline/Smoky Quartz - Labradorite - Larimar - Mangano Calcite - Pink Quartz - Rainbow Hematite - Raspberry Rutile - Red Quartz - Rose/Smoky Quartz - Rutile - Silver - Star Ruby - Tourmalated Quartz - Vanadinite - Vesuvianite